The Society for Unraveling the Eyeless Blonde Conspiracy
At SUSBEC, we have compiled the largest database of these mysterious
eyeless blondes that has ever been attempted. We are studying these
characters in hopes of finding the common link and therefore unraveling
just what is it about these blondes? What are they hiding? What
is their true nature? Painful experiments should begin soon.
Case Study #0001
"GAV" |
Note the way the glasses "wrap around" to conceal at any angle.
Our first case study is the infamous "Gav," a mysterious chap, indeed, with
no known last name and whose eyes have never been seen. He is
blonde, of course, and his occupation involves the well-known evil
field of Nuclear Engineering! That's right, he's one of them thar
His intentions of world domination are well known. Additional concealment
is often provided by the "Gavcam," a 24-hour surveilance device with unknown,
suspicious usage. If he really has eyes behind those opaque glasses, what
does he need a camera on them for?
Another peculiarity with Gav is his unknown association with another
Eyeless Blonde, Brent (see Case Study #0007). While they do not appear to
communicate directly with each other, one can only wonder about the remarkable
similarity in clothes (black vest, white shirt) and hair style and color.
Gav also associates with a woman named Suzy Gee who consistantly
wears a black turtleneck, similar to Brent's girlfriend, Jade. These
similarities simply cannot be dismissed as mear coincidence!
Case Study #0002
Note the suspicious way his glasses appear to have no middle section, and
adhere almost seemlessly with his eyes.
Roger, often seen lurking around his fellow
College Roomies From Hell(!!!), has been
well-studied. Unlike Gav, Roger's eyes have been seen before.
However, his "eyes" are nearly non-functional without the mysterious
opaque glasses, leading us to believe that these "eyes" may not even be
real. Further evidence: Roger has a third "eye" in his hand, not normally
considered a typical location for such an organ. This same hand is a
known terrorist and, like Gav, a conspiritor to world domination, though
apparently against the will of Roger, himself.
Because the eye in Roger's hand cannot see much betteer than Roger's other
eyes, we refer to it in case files as his "third eye, blind."
Roger's psychotic hand (note false "eyes")
Roger's third "eye"
Case Study #0003
"RIFF" |
Note shape of glasses hide eyes from every angle.
Riff, of the well-known Sluggy Freelance
Riffs, does not wear the typical "so thick they're just white" variety of
glasses. However, he is never seen without his trademark shades, indoors,
outdoors, or even at night. His eyes have never been seen, and his abnormal
ability to construct items of mass destruction despite virtually no useful
technical skills is suspicious indeed.
It may be noted that part of the Sluggy Freelance clan, Gwenneth, also
wears opaque glasses and is not blonde, but she is very often
seen without these glasses and is considering laser eye surgery. Her
glasses are in no way an integral part of her as in other case studies.
Case Study #0003-a
"Dr. Lorna" |
Is it genetic?
One theory we have studied is the possibility that the eyeless blonde traits
are passed on through family members. To this end, we are currently studying
Riff's family. To our amazement, Riff's mother, Dr. Lorna, fit the same mold!
Yet, she is so brazen as to not even attempt to hide her eyelessness behind
opaque glasses. In fact, she parades in public with only an occasional loose
tuft of hair keeping her secret. Shocking, indeed.
Case Study #0004
"Alex" |
Note glasses "hover" with no support
Alex, a customer service representative running the
Help Desk at Ubersoft is a
most particular study indeed. The concealment of his eyes is by two huge
round colorful disks which seem to slide under and around each other at
side angles in their relentless effort to mask that which is underneath.
More amazingly, these 3D glasses wannabes appear to hover on his face with
no visible means of support! Alex's postures are extremely mechanical,
robotic in nature, leading us to suspect leanings towards "cyborg" as a
possible explanation for the Eyeless Blonde Conspiracy.
Case Study #0004-a
"Alice" |
Once we discovered the possible genetic link of eyeless blondes with Riff's
mother, we started looking to the family members of other eyeless blondes.
This led us to Alex's sister, Alice. This time we were well-prepared for
the revelation that she, too, shares the same sinister traits as her brother,
as well as works for the same company in possibly one of the most evil
departments of all--marketing. Oddly, it seems she is the least effective
at hiding her lack of pupils. She seems to wear some kind of eyewear, but it
is partially transparent and close inspection shows she, indeed, has no eyes
at all! Alice may be the weak link that will help us crack this conspiracy.
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More Case Studies
Gav and Nukees are copyright, Darren Bleuel.
Roger and College Roomies From Hell!!! are copyright, Maritza Campos.
Riff and Sluggy Freelance are copyright, Pete Abrams
Alex and Help Desk are copyright, Chris Wright